Harry Potter
Title: Harry Potter
Author: JK Rowling
This series is about an orphan boy named Harry who discovers that he’s a wizard and gets enrolled in the Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry. There he makes many friends including Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. He also finds out about the man who killed his parents, Lord Voldemort, the darkest wizard of all time who intends to be immortal and subjugate the magical and non-magical or what we can say wizards and muggles. The British author J.K Rowling created the popular and critically acclaimed novel series. The idea, was conceived when she was traveling in a train from Manchester to London. The Potter books have gained world-wide attention after the release of the first book Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. Both Children and adults all across the globe had words for it. The philosopher’s stone was followed by ‘the chamber of secrets’, the prisoner of Azkaban, the goblet of fire, order of phoenix, half blood prince and lastly the deathly hallows. All of these sold more than 400 million copies in more than 60 languages. Rowling is currently involved in social work and supports charities. Harry potter is famous for or what made harry potter famous is the vast imagination, the creation of magical things never before seen anywhere in fantasy, the structured plotline, the mysteries, the dialogue, the characters , the characters are very important, each and every character if you look closely, from the protagonists to the antagonists seems to teach us something good in their own way. One of my favorite characters is Albus Dumbledore. He is special because of his wise thoughts and also for his support for Harry. Other than this the books show us the value of friendship, importance of believing in yourself, facing your fears, etc. Harry Potter is generally classified as a children’s fantasy but it is written in a way that any adult can also read it. The books are little heavy when you physically see them but once you start reading you are not going to regret it.
Thank You
Priyanka R Nair of class 8A
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